Dry-needling och behandling av hälsporre:
En relativt nyligen publicerad meta-analys av Dry-needling och dess effekt kom sommaren 2017.
Meta-analys publicerad på Medline, tryck här för att läsa studien.
”The aim of this meta-analysis was to assess the effects of MTrP needling in the treatment of patients with plantar heel pain. The pooled estimates of all seven included trials using a random-effects model showed that MTrP needling significantly reduced the VAS score and was associated with a similar success rate for pain compared with control. Moreover, the improvements of pain relief were maintained throughout the 12-month follow-up, which indicated that this treatment offered long-term effectiveness. The incidence of adverse events was comparable between MTrP needling and control groups.”
Slutsatsen är att det både finns en kortsiktig vinst och ett långvarigt resultat vid behandling med Dry-needling.